Monday, January 31, 2011

tres cosas

i don't really like all-american rejects. "swing swing" may have captured my heart in jr. high, but i've definitely moved on. however.
glee has this way of making me love songs. "truth be told i miss you, and truth be told i'm lyin!"
hahahha. great.

people i so DO miss:
(i can just hear his little NC accent) "Your buddy sounds like a real jerk." (hahhahahahhahaha.)
"The gospel isn't just something good, it is God's plan for us." (really, exactly.)
"Let's camp under a tree sometime." (hahhahahhahaha. love him.)
-elder davis

"The post office just ended a strike of 3 weeks, so you can't be all pissed, k??" (hahahhahahha...if there was any chance of me being so, it just went out the window at that.)
"Be really will all go alright." (ahh. miss him. love him.)
-elder koenen

but you know, like, whatever.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

listening to the inception soundtrack probably wasn't helping, but. another letdown.

next week for sure.
unless the postal service goes on strike.

i think i'm more sick of telling people i don't have it yet, than actually not having it yet.


Monday, January 24, 2011

dear p-vo, and its inhabitants:

hot-tubbing @ sparkle apple + canyon bonfiring + pvo temple + soda + fresh rms + sisters + nephew baby + voodoo salad + carpooling + 236 + breadsticks + mission talk +new friends + old friends =

thanks. that was great. times seven. kbye.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011


three goals in my life:
uno:never be the lady that wears the chokingly strong you-can-smell-it-fifty-feet-away perfume, no matter how old i get.
dos:learn another language. preferrably spanish. preferrably not argentinian spanish.
tres: [unless he's married when i get back] sing all our favorite jimmy eat world songs together again, acoustic [again].

take me for a [bike] ride.

i think wednesday is the worst day of the week. monday's do-able, cause everyone else is half-awake too and it ends with fhe, and tuesdays i always took less classes, and it usually ended with something happy. but wednesday...ugh.

i think it comes from college. cause the weekend still feels far away, but i couldn't relax yet cause i always had a million things due wednesday.

therefore, for subconcious and not presently logical reasons, i woke up hating today.

i remedied it with a can of mountain dew (opened not only before noon, but before eight thirty, you're repulsed, i know) and lots of top forty music (and now i REALLY need to dance). (also making me feel very weird, having not listened to any of this, stuff, in awhiiiile...) very effective. and the day is almost done...whud's up.

i love her:

Monday, January 17, 2011

why can't you see yourself as beautiful as i see you?

I want to say that to everyone. Because you are ALL so beautiful.

"The search for contentment is, therefore, not merely a self-preserving and self-benefiting act, but also a generous gift to the world. Clearing out all your misery gets you out of the way. You cease being an obstacle, not only to yourself but to anyone else. Only then are you free to serve and enjoy other people." -Elizabeth Gilbert, eat pray love

I haven't seen the film, I'm just reading the book right now. And I love it.
I want to say I'd recommend it to everyone, but I don't. It was perfect for me, to help me realize how I think, how I live my life, and how I used to, and won't anymore. Everything from her adoration of the Italian language and food, to her habit of clinging to people she loves helped me dive into this book, nodding my head with perfect understanding at everything she said. Granted, I haven't been divorced, or traveled across the world, or lived on the upper east coast, but I could definitely relate. Okay I'm getting sidetracked. I'm just saying, it was a great book for me, but it has some language, and it does go on a bit about the depression. If you can't/don't want to handle that, then don't read it. :)

MY POINT: It's not about being the most accomplished or loved, the wealthiest or the smartest, the most attractive, or the most talented. LIFE is about bringing your own happiness to you in everything you do, finding peace in your storm of a life ("we're just a million little gods causin' rainstorms, turning every good thing to rust!" -af :)) and making good choices, and then you can fulfill your purpose, to live this life the best that you can, and help your brothers and sisters on the way. Of course, this is much easier for me to embrace than to practice, (especially when Little Brother starts his second hour of "America's Funniest Home Videos" and turns it up louder...) but I think I've at least gotten to a point of contentment, that I know my happiness depends on me, and no one else. And our Heavenly Father can ALWAYS help me find it, no matter how hard it is.

All I can listen to lately is the dear Avett brothers. (Partly because they're so mild...I can't listen to anything very loud these days, haha, which is so weird, but SUCH a blessing in preparation.) Their lyrics are so sincere and simple and happy, even the saddest songs have a deep understanding that there's a much greater purpose in all of this. I love them. I want to see them before I die, definitely.

I can't wait to be "swept away" by "a [boy] that I adore", but I have lots to do before then. So. There's that. And no, I don't have my call yet. I don't know why, (I mean, technically, yes, I know why, if you really want to know, I'll tell you...) but I'm okay with it. Really. Maybe now me and Marsh will get them together, which would be AWESOME. The best answer sometimes is: just don't worry about it. So I'm not worrying about it. And I'll tell you when it comes, kay? Kay.
LOVE. bye.

Friday, January 7, 2011

twenty eleven.

twenty ten was good to me.

january-started working at the skyroom and made WONDERFUL friendies, started taking classes i actually enjoy and LOVED them, decided to stop being antisocial in the ward and was immediatly enveloped in loving, darling arms.

february-had some serious adventures (everything from the best of dance parties to three day trips to the coast), made some serious friends, and decided to open my heart for the first time in awhile.

march-continued adventuring, decided to put school and sleep to the back burner...haha. loved and learned a lot.

april-left my teenage self behind forever, barely made it through finals, and made the second best decision of the year: to stay in provo for the summer. also learned, strengthened important older and newer friendships. became an AUNT.

may-began the summer of FREEDOM and AWESOMENESS. started being, in the ward, and adventured more (including nice little visit to the red rocks of moab). oh, and became a mother, which triggered more excellent best friendships.

june-i found the warmth i'd been looking for since february, and loosened up, working three jobs within a job, broke some bad habits, relaxed, plaaaayed, and visited mickey and the ocean with the famdam.

july-by now, i'd discovered provo was exploding with excellence, from the people to the books to the weather to the sidewalks. celebrated our country's bombness with the fammer in the mountains. broke free again.

august-sipped constantly from the sweetness of relaxation and summer, simultaneously started exploding with anticipation of everything(missionaries coming and going, schooool, friends back in provo, etc.), crammed in more fun than was legal, i'm sure.

september-started school with my head on straight, with a perfect schedule. celebrated two beloved birthdays, and gushed with joy in reunions...still insisted it was summer in every spare moment, and provo weather agreed with me. decided to go for sure.

october-delved deeper into classes, fell in love again with a darling ward and adorable roommates, had some final trio adventures for a few years, established the best dinner club in the history of mankind, made more bests, loved living in ptown with four siblings and a nephew.

november-sent off ANOTHER best, but it was happy this time, with my final realization that their leaving me to serve a mission is SO much more important. period. crammed in more provo fun, loved bests and famdam, thanked and ate turkey.

december-began to panic that this beautiful phase was ending soon, and schooled, played, and loved it up. celebrated the birth of Christ, reflected on the best year ever, and how i'm going to make every year after this equally bomb. the end.