Wednesday, September 1, 2010

but you and i now, we can be alright, just hold on to what we know is true.

i once described "underground" music to someone by comparing it to a big beautiful abyss; the deeper you get, the more you hear and love and accept and enjoy, the more you discover you must listen to.

it never ends.

i love/hate it.

a few more months...

also. this life is supa great. but really. there are lots of hard things, coming from everywhere. but if we can just keep our heads up, for every difficulty and sorrow, there is an equally, or more, powerful moment of euphoria. sometimes the bad things are easier to see(often they last longer...or at least it seems they do), i know i'm personally FREquently overwhelmed, but...keep your head up.
today i was happy for like fifty ridiculous reasons. one of them was that i can say i have the "swagga of a college kid".
i know, that's ridiculous. (and if you don't get that, click on it, please.)
anyway....i hahah i can't express what i'm thinking.

i guess happy. cause it's not worth being angry or hurt or...whatever...cause it's not going to benefit you, or anyone else, ever. EVER. some darling kids reminded me of that last night. there are approximately ten billion better things you could be doing with your life, right this very moment.

i think i'll go participate. :)

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