Thursday, September 9, 2010

didn't i, my dear?

i mostly dislike parties, and most other large social gatherings. the overwhelming thought that there are so many people i don't know, that i should, or could, i think is what bothers me so much. i love making new friends (who doesn't?) but after being drowned in introductions for a couple weeks (like...the last two weeks, for example) i start to get overwhelmed, like i might at a party. and i want to give up.

occasionally, my solution for this, is to let people come to me. to not be even remotely friendly or outgoing, until they pretty much offer me a friendship on a platter. which is terribly terribly rude. and when i look back at the times in my life that i did that, versus when i went out of my way to make new friends with anyone and everyone...the latter was and still is ALways more rewarding.

So. I have a challenge. (That I myself will be trying very hard to fulfill as well, of course.) Let's go out of our comfort zones. Until Christmas, don't ever let yourself hide in a comfortable shell of a friend group every day. Be nice, befriendly, be warm. At school, at home, at work, in the grocery store, at church, on the street, EVERYWHERE. Maybe you won't make loads of friends, maybe you will. But won't it be nice to know, come the 25th, that you helped others feel that same love your Heavenly Father has for you, which is why He blessed you with such great friends? Or maybe you don't have a comfortable group of friends. Maybe you're feeling lonely right now. Even better, don't make them come to you, go FIND all these new friends! :)


  1. Oh hey Missyyy :) Betcha didn't even know I stalk you from time to time...hope that doesn't freak you out. I just think you are so great.


    I. LOVE. MUMFORD. Want to fly out to Denver for a show in October? okay, see ya there.
