Tuesday, November 16, 2010


i didn't think i was acting terribly stressed, but both of my professors i've talked to today gave me a looked that screamed sympathy and a desire to pat me on the head (and asked me if i'm alright/stated i seem tired). truthfully, i feel like a ball. a ball of ice, that is hollow, and the outside is so thin, i don't know how in the world it's staying together. rocks and flames are beating at it, trying to make it collapse. but the fragile contents inside cannot be compromised, so the ice must resist.

no matter how much i sleep, my comprehension level is almost non-existent, and my short term memory is SUFfering. every time i talk to my mom, i can't see, for the wall of tears. i'm not sure how i'll make it through this week, all i want to do is write letters to those doing what i'm not. yet.

then i opened an email from a most certainly inspired man.

one more month, then this part's over. i can dooo it!

i'm grateful for: email.

and this/them.

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