Tuesday, April 13, 2010

this is the best day of my life...we spreaded blankets on the couch.

hi. this is my best friend. he is great. and busy being the only white person in the DR. go missions. really though. so great. for him. for everyone. (i am soooo excited for tan feet. in the summer. and freckles. and funny things.)

anyway...gueeeessss what.
this was the best day ever.
me and ratch slept in. (she's my future roomate. she's really great also.)
THEN we had a pleasant chat. (kinda like pillow talk, but in the morning. cause i fall asleep in seconds.)
i ate a bowl of captain crunch.
we brought hilary to campus. campus peoples saw my onesie...more funny than embarrassing. so it was okay.
we almost killed a couple people trying to say hi to alec...and missed him anyway. hahahha.
i got home and a letter from THAT one ^ was in the stinking mailbox...win.
bare, nathan, alec and i got fish tacos. ALWAYS a good thing.
went to work...worked with wonderful people, served nice students. (i really love nice students. they make life so much better.)
ate a wonderful nutritious din-din at work. with my pleasant co-workers.
finished early, then went to the library to quickly write a nice paper, running into my nice friend ben, who is totally living right by me this summer, win.
and now...i'm watching a film about love and family and being awesome and cartooness and special effects and old concepts bringing new happiness...no, not avatar. avavomit. SPEED RACER. with nathan, tucker, rub and ratch, and soon joce.
this day is close to perfection.
thank you, and, good night.
(also i'm going to eat broccoli omelets in the morning. and ratch is baking bananer muffins. seriously. WIN.)

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