Tuesday, June 1, 2010

five [hundred] percent pleasure.

i was talking with a nice young man last night, watching a group of enthusiastic twenty-somethings playing four square, very... enthusiastically. we laughed about this cute little world we're living in, and how we've really got to enjoy every second of it, while it lasts. cause really...college is way too fun.

some things, a-j:
a. we can go back to sunny beautiful moab...now. if you guys want.
b. it is very possible to get sick of BYU brownies.
c. reason number 40,276 i love efy: sometimes they have leftover whatever-awesomeness placed in the third floor kitchen right when i get off.
d. provo town center is probably better than university mall. but i still hate those bridges.
e. i love living with these gingers.
f. starting now, i am one-fourth mexican.
g. troll 2 is indeed the worst film, ever.
h. i love banksy.
i. there are 4 d-words.
j. one week from tomorrow...california, here we COME.


  1. I really like your bit on Wild Things. You are soo smart. I am glad I know you and you are right, we gots to live it up right now while we still can!
