Monday, June 7, 2010

i know the heart of life is good.

arching. (stolen from ryan. thhhhanks.)




eighty percent OUT.

sooo this week. i've been freaking out about my future, the immediate, the summer, the fall, the winter, the next few years, my adulthood...everything, hardcore.
"fear is the friend who's misunderstood."

i'm not really sure why. BUT. i had super awesome discussions with super awesome people that helped me realize a lot of things, including the fact that i'm lucky to have some very privileged aquaintances. (like, i'm priveleged to know them.)

"then the circle of your friends will defend the silver lining."

anyway. i've concluded...i need to live in the present. and this is my last summer of childhood, probably. which is okay. i just need to get out of crisis mode. and growing up will come when it comes, and i need to not sit on the edge of my seat and cringe...i can just let it hit me. cause i might get knocked over, but i'll definitely be able to get back up.

two friends helped me reach complete opposite conclusions. but i think my personal conclusion should be somewhere in the middle, which is where i am, so i'm glad for that. love is the most important thing EVER and you should never deprive yourself or anyone else of it. that doesn't necessarily refer to, or not refer to, romantic love. so. think about THAT.

"pain throws your heart to the ground, [but] love turns the whole thing around."

don't even try to deny that.

i'm too tired to write anything else. and it's probably TMI anyway. but guess what.

i will be in CA in 72 hours. ish. YESSSSS.



  1. Thoughts on your blog:
    -Reference to "hardcore" made me hear "Well you're not hardcore"..(repeat in higher register..."No you're not hardcore"), etc.
    -I know that I am definitely one of the super awesome people you are referencing...even though I can't think of a discussion we've had recently...but OBVIOUSLY because I am so super awesome.
    -Jealous YOU get to go to CA. Love it for me. :)
    -In all seriousness you're learning a lot of important great life lessons right now, even if they're tough, but everything will work out in the end. You're awesome and amazing. I'm happy you're my sis. go drink a CB ;)

  2. Missy, I miss you miserably. Mimicking miserly mims in mostly suits, I just wish I could see your smiling eyes and hear your hearting voice!
